Introduction to KHF (Korean Hapkido Federation)

Hello and welcome to the Korean Hapkido Federation (KHF)!

What is KHF?

The Korean Hapkido Federation (KHF) is an international organization established to promote and advance Hapkido worldwide. Hapkido is a traditional Korean martial art that focuses on self-defense and controlling opponents through various techniques. Our mission is to spread this valuable martial art globally while striving to blend tradition with modern practices.

Modern Developments in Hapkido

KHF is dedicated to preserving the traditional techniques of Hapkido while enhancing its effectiveness and practicality through modern approaches. We continuously develop new techniques and methodologies to apply Hapkido in various contemporary settings.

Global Organizational Structure

KHF operates with branches around the world to support the teaching and practice of Hapkido. Representatives in each region work based on the values and goals of KHF to foster the growth of Hapkido.

Federation Logo

The KHF logo symbolizes the identity of Hapkido, reflecting our traditions and philosophy. This logo represents the shared goals and beliefs of KHF and all affiliated practitioners.

We invite you to join KHF and share in our vision and mission, contributing to the advancement of Hapkido.

Thank you.

Korean Hapkido Federation (KHF)